
Biodiversity Monitoring

Complete diagnosis is made before and after riverways works or wetland creation and provide important scientific information allowing us to evaluate the project’s impact and efficiency. Our company has developed a range of tools and specific knowledge to monitor biodiversity. We carry out hydromorphological, fauna (fish, macroinvertebrates, birds, etc.), flora (aquatic and riparian vegetation) and water quality (general physicochemical parameters, long-term temperature measurements) studies in accordance with current standards. We also offer innovative and tailor-made solutions for your project.

Construction work on rivers, wetlands and lakes

We implement a range of river and wetland works, using our crane operator with 8 to 25 tons machines. River restoration, fish habitat improvement, and wetland creation are our special areas of expertise.

Environmental Impact Assessment

We draw up environmental impact assessment studies, particularly within the Natura 2000 network. This implies the design and development of mitigation measures (or even compensation, if necessary) adapted to the environmental issues highlighted. Our interventions mainly concern wetlands, rivers, streams and water bodies, but are not limited to.

Fish Pass and Dam Removal

We design various fish passes in Western Europe, taking all constraints into consideration. We tend to favour cost effective systems that contribute to the sustainable future of our waterways.

Fish Shelters

Stream & River Consult has developed a range of patented fish shelters for use in rivers, in lakes and in the sea. Our fish shelters are the results of lengthy innovative research including hours of observation in nature. Artificial fish shelters are a solution when there are too many constraints therefore excluding the possibility of implementing a complete ecosystem restoration. They can also be used as mitigation solutions, to increase fish populations or to locally protect high fish densities (in fish passes for example).

River restoration

We take care of your project at all levels, provide expertise with excellence and work strategically with our partners. We carry out field diagnosis, feasibility and hydraulic studies, project design, permits and go up to the execution phase.

Subaquatic imaging

We collaborate with the talented and award-winning Philippe Laforge to produce high quality subaquatic movies based on his renowned knowledge, experience and specialized equipment. This underwater footage helps us develop innovative monitoring.

Wetland creation and management

We work collaboratively to plan and develop individual projects, whether it’s a small pond, a large lake or a wetland. We will implement and manage each stage of your project: diagnosis, design and planning, getting the permits, construction works and monitoring.