Projects by Stream & River

Restoration of a Section on the Ulf Stream

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This restoration project involved reinstating meanders in a section of river to improve the habitat for fish, which are an important source of food for otters (European Life project).

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New meanders for Tretterbaach

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Two restoration projects were lead by SAR Consult on Tretterbaach river, located in Northern Luxemburg.The purposes of the projects were to restore natural meanders and to erase an obstacle to fish migration. The projects were conducted from design to work supervision.

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Environmental River Work for the Ampsin Lock on the Meuse

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SAR Consult provided environmental expertise linked to the new lock structure for 4500 ton barges developed by the experts from Greisch and Tractebel Engineering (with IMDC). The designed fish pass includes spawning areas and river bank restoration.

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Flood Management on River Houille

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In the scope of P2IH Project (France-Belgium), SAR Consult provided environmental expertise for the impact assessment study of new anti-flooding structures developed by the IMDC hydraulics experts.

Bushy willows as fish habitat

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In the scope of several river restoration projects river banks were planted with willows. They were selected among different Walloon ecotypes on the basis of features which make them good refuge habitats for fish.

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River quality assessment and improvement design

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A river quality assessment was achieved along its fourteen kilometers. This allowed to highlight hydromorphological issues or imbalances. Then suitable improvement projects were designed.

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Impact assessement of works in wetlands

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Legislation requires an appropriate environmental impact study when works are close to Natura 2000 areas. SAR lead an impact study related to a road to be built across a wetland. Restoration of a small river supplying wetlands was proposed as mitigation measure.

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Ponds designed to maximize associated biodiversity

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The pond design is important and has to make it as attractive for fauna and flora as possible. SAR Consult takes charge of the field analysis, project design, technical documentation development and works supervision.

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Hydromorphological quality improvement of a river which houses European eel

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The project aims to reestablish fish free migration and to improve its hydromorphological quality. The European eel is a critically endangered species. The project focuses on its habitat needs.

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River Bresle restoration and reestablishment of free mobility for fish

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The project aims to reestablish fish and sediments free-mobility and to restore ecological continuity on river Bresle. Another purpose was to improve hydromorphology and habitats. The engineering study was undertaken up to the project stage. Upon which, SAR Consult monitored from close-up the river works and the habitat design.

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Impact study and 2D hydraulic modeling

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Backfilling works in watercourse floodplains modify river hydraulics. A hydraulic 2D modeling allows to simulate river flooding behaviour and to consider the lateral flow directions. It helps to evaluate works impacts.

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Assessment of ecological costs and benefits

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Ecological stakes assessment is a premliminary step to every large- of small-scale restoration project. SAR Consult carry out these hydromorphological and biological studies. Ecological added-value of a project is also studied.

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Research Project on River and Lake Habitats

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What makes a good or bad fish shelter? Using a range of techniques, including measuring water velocity, volume, light permeation and entrance area we investigated natural fish shelters (woody debris, roots, wads, boulders, undercut banks, etc.) and from analysis of our findings discovered the best and worst natural fish shelters.

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Partnership for aquatic innovation

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Jim Lovell is the founder of Confluence in Montana, USA and shares our passion for aquatic and fish management and science.

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Films of European and American rivers

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The recording of sequences involves long observations of the watercourse and helps to refine knowledge of the aquatic environment and its renaturation techniques, as shown by these images taken as part of a partnership within the United States.

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